Last year at this exact time I was waking up in Uganda after a long trip from Florida and a very LONG restless night. Waking up that morning was hard. It didn't play out in real life like I had planned in my head. But the Lord carried me through. He allowed the fear and anxiety that was quickly overtaking my heart, my mind, and my strength to be turned into reminders that God was with us. He hadn't left us, he had always been faithful. That he had CALLED us. This wasn't something we thought would be cute and fun or temporary, but he had called us to be in Uganda at that exact time. And now he was telling us it's time. It was time to get packed, get going, and time to meet Eli for the first time. And he would be ours forever. Not just in our hearts but finally in our arms. We wouldn't be missing out on anything anymore. We'd be with him watching his every move, his every smile and his unique personality.
The trip was long. The days were long. There wasn't much about the process that didn't seem long. The Lord slowed us down whether we wanted to or not. He made sure that we stopped, and sat, and that we embraced our child, this precious one that he had given us.
The day was overwhelming. The day was hot. The day was joyous!!! The day was special. And it was one we will never forget. The day had tears, some of joy and some of sadness. But the day was conquered. And the day was ordained by God, just like everything else he does, his timing was perfect.
That day, December 3rd was lifted up in prayer by so many! So many of you prayed for us and that day wouldn't have been possible without your prayers. Thank you. Still to this day, those prayers are felt.
Here were a few photos captured from that day...
A long travel day! |
Ready to meet our son! |
Meeting Eli for the first time. |
Reading Eli a book we had sent him months before arriving. |
It was scary for all of us. |
But we overcame our fears and began to laugh. |
But it was hard to say goodbye. |
Our first family photo. |
Exhaustion set in. |
*More photos from our Gotcha Day can be viewed at: