I've begun to understand that if I would just let go of what I think is best and stand in front of God with open arms willing to let Him plan out my life instead... He will always give me so much more than I could have dreamed of. And when you think about it, He is God and I am only human. Why is it that we continue to think we are smarter or that we've got it all under control?
I found myself spending many hours, days and weeks designing a brand new home on a spectacular piece of property. Mind you, this property we could not afford, and when we could... at that point we wouldn't have been able to afford to build; and even so, all this would have relied on us selling the beautiful oversized home that we have now on the golf course. I didn't see anything wrong with this picture until God used many Preachers and Books and friends and strangers and lastly, the poor in the Dominican Republic and Colombia to OPEN MY EYES!
It was like puzzle pieces coming together. And if you've ever tried to put a big puzzle together, in the beginning it's a big mess! Where do you begin, what's the finished product look like, how long will this take me? All these questions began racing through my head. So what was God trying to show me? And once I saw a small blurry glimpse of it... Oh my! The first thing that came to my mind was... is my husband going to even go for this?
You see I knew this what straight from God, so I wasn't questioning it at all. But had Paul been feeling the same way? It took me many weeks to find the courage to finally just ask, "What do you think about Adoption?" And to my surprise he asked very few questions and said, "Yeah, I think we could look in to it."
Adoption was something I've thought of before and felt completely comfortable with but never had I felt as though it was something I should be doing, needed to do, "called" to do... but now with all that God had been lying out in front of me, it was becoming very clear that adoption would be apart of my life in some way.
I titled this "Part 1" because I hope to share some of the details of the events that took place that God clearly used to Reveal Himself to me. But for now, I'm still taking all this in. I'm excited about the journey, scared about the what-if's, anxious for THE DAY, ready for the next step, satisfied with today, thankful for the others that will share this with us and awestruck that God has chosen the Samuels to be used in a mighty way to glorify Him and watch over one of His children as their forever families.
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