Tuesday, May 1, 2012

One Book at a Time

So if you really know me, you know that I am a slow reader. There are some weeks I could careless about reading, while other weeks all I want to do is read. But the problem is, I'm a slow reader. I try really hard, but it still is such a long drawn out process for me. So I usually get distracted or overwhelmed or irritated and move on to another task. However, I have conquered a few books in the last year which has been exciting. And I've really enjoyed them...

Choosing to See (By: MaryBeth Chapman)
Kisses from Katie (By: Katie Davis)
Miracle for Jen (By: Linda Barrick)

And now I'm on Interrupted by Jen Hatmaker. In all the books I've read (because I'm so slow at reading) I highlight areas that speak to me. I laugh and cry and giggle and share and all those emotions that a book brings with it. But when I got to pg105 of Interrupted, my jaw fell wide open. I even took a picture of the page to share with you.

So you are probably thinking, "What's the big deal?" Well, I've had the privilege in the last few months to become the president of SendMeMissions, Inc. which our focus is to PARTNER, UNITE, SERVE. Partner with local and global organizations to unite people together by serving others to make a difference through Christ. It was like this chapter began, sharing with me, exactly what we do as well; And that to me is so exciting that God can use a book to confirm what we are doing. That He can use Jen Hatmaker who wrote this book a few years ago to encourage me in my daily walk with Him.

It's just ONE BOOK AT A TIME... but He's using each one of these books to draw me closer to Him and reveal to me His magnificent grace, love, beauty and never-ending goodness in my life.

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