I write with a heavy heart tonight, saddened by the events that have taken place today.
Without going into complicated details, I'll list the 2 main prayer requests...
First, a local family at our church is devastated tonight as they've anticipated their adoption for quite some time now of a baby boy. He was born on Monday and the Mother has decided to not give him up for adoption. Please pray for peace & comfort in their lives.
Secondly, the Deckard's & Trivette's are in need of our prayers again at 1am (our time) 8am (Ugandan time). The details are lengthy, so I'll not make you read through them all but there are some legal matters that need to be bathed in prayer tonight. It is vitally important that we ask for the Holy Spirit to intervene in this process for them and allow hearts to softened so that these families will receive a favorable ruling.
I know that these emails are intended to update you on Eli. He is doing amazing and is in the best care ever, being loved by some amazing women. If he could speak, I know he would tell you to pray for his dear friends Ben & Chase and their families right now. That God give them peace & comfort & to calm their anxieties. Our God is in control, they know this, we know and we must continue to pray in faith.
Although I am mentally, physically and emotionally drained after today... I am reminded of the feeding of the 5000. There they stood, the crowd of 5000+ and clearly there was a problem. Humanly it was not possible to feed all these people with the limited resources provided, BUT Jesus saw the opportunity and showed his glorious powers right there in front of their eyes. I pray tonight as many of us look at our current situations, we stop focusing on the problems and instead, seek God in prayer as we pray expectingly for Him to take our problems, our situations that are humanly impossible and turn them around to glorify His kingdom. May we also remember an important part of this scripture, "He gave thanks." May we all continue to give thanks to our Lord & Savior during these times... as He has always been faithful and true!