Saturday, September 14, 2013

A Bittersweet Day

I went to bed last night with so many thoughts running through my head... because I knew in just a few short hours it would already be Saturday Morning in Uganda and that meant the Trivette's and Deckard's would going to Mrs. Elizabeth's house (aka the Foster Home) to unite with their sweet boys, Ben & Chase. 

And so, I laid there praying. Praying for joy, excitement and a smooth transition for these 2 families. But deep down, I also knew this day would be bittersweet, because Eli would be seeing his 2 best friends leave with their new forever families and he would not. Don't get me wrong, he may not have any idea what was really happening, but his day-to-day routine would change and he'd be sure to pick up on this. 

So then I woke up this morning and all I could think of was my little Eli watching this exciting thing happen before his eyes with these two amazing families and wonder where his family was. And so I prayed some more... please God, give him peace. Please Lord, let him understand and be reassured that someone is coming for him as well. Please Lord, be with his sweet soul and not let him be sad. Please Lord, let this day be exciting and not disheartening. I guess deep down, I was really praying these things over myself as well. 

And then I got an update from Emily... these were her words... 

"Sweet friend, your boy is SO sweet! I was able to love on him for a while this morning and assured him you were coming!!!!! Praying SOON!! Hang in there!!" - Emily Trivette

I had a huge sigh of relief! God had answered my prayers and in that moment, I just knew that my Eli understood and that he would be ok. 

It reminds me a bit of the disciples, when they found out that Jesus would be leaving them. Their dearest friend, their confidant, their master, their teacher who had been with them for so long would not be with them much longer. He spoke to them... 

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I amYou know the way to the place where I am going.” -John 14:1-4

So, to my dear Eli, we are preparing a place for you. You will LOVE your new room, toys, clothes, books (and all the other stuff everyone has got you that I have no idea what it is :) But more importantly, we are coming. We will not be leaving you there and what you saw Chase & Ben experience today, you too will experience very soon. We love you and pray for you each and every day! And there is an entire village waiting to love and kiss all over you. We'll see you soon! 

1 comment:

  1. I hate having to use toilet paper when I'm out of tissues!!


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