While I've officially failed as a blogger for the year 2014, there are several things I've not failed at...
Today marks 1 year since Paul & I loaded up and headed to Uganda with complete excitement and complete FEAR! We had no idea what we were doing other than obeying God. But oh my, the craziness we would enter into and oh my, the love we would experience was about to rock our world!
Paul & I headed to Uganda |
I still can't believe we spent an entire 6 weeks in Uganda, but oh how precious was this time with him. As we approach the holidays, many have already made the statement to us, "How exciting... your first Christmas with Eli." Many don't remember our actual first Christmas with Eli, because we weren't here. And yes, this will be his first Americanized Christmas with the rest of his family, but as for our first Christmas, it was last year.
Eli & I on Christmas Day - 2013 |
Our first Christmas Dinner as a family with the Hardings in Uganda. |
Upon arriving home, we spent several weeks with just Eli & our close family. Throughout 2014 I've made sure that I take time during the week and at nights when I get home from work to spend time with my family. Work will always be there in the morning. Missions will never go away. Those in need will always be present. But as for my family, time will fly by (it already has) and Eli will grow up and I want to make sure we've made memories. We've laughed together. We've cried together. We've talked about Jesus together. And through these moments together, I can only pray that he will grow up to be a Man of God! (Please Note: None of our memory making moments ever include a picture of Eli smiling. But I promise he had a good time)
Mother's Day 2014 |
Ugandan Reunion 2014 |
Playing at the park in Lakeland |
2014 Family Photo |
There isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank the Lord for his wonderful mercy and grace and love! Eli's story has been one that has motivated me to be the best Godly parent I can be. I don't mean be the most giving parent (Lord knows Eli won't become Americanized because of our giving of toys), or the most understanding parent, or the most patient parent, but the best parent God has called me to be... one that prays over him constantly, prays with him daily, loves him for his unique qualities, one that will ask for forgiveness when I'm not patient or understanding, one that shows who God is and not just talk about Him. I won't always get it right, but I thank God for his faithfulness even when we screw things up.
Valentine's Day 2014 - Eli's official Adoption Day - Praying in the courtroom! |
I honestly believe that even if the Lord chose to take me tomorrow to be with him forever, I will have left a legacy for friends, family and Eli. It's important that I give my all each and every day. It's important that people know what I stand for and who I stand for. And if the day comes that those around me are unsure as to who I'm living my life for, may the Lord take me or may I be quickly reminded of all the reasons why I should be living for the Lord again.
It's a lifestyle that often leaves me exhausted, FAILING AT BLOGGING, but ALWAYS PRAISING THE LORD FOR EVERYTHING!