Wednesday, June 12, 2013

God's timing IS perfect!

Took a few minutes yesterday out of my very busy schedule and stopped by to see a good friend who is leaving for China this Friday. Bo & Candice are packing right now to leave and go pick up their sweet baby, Caroline. They began their journey 2 and 1/2 years ago and the day has finally arrived!!! 

We chatted a bit about our anxieties, about our excitements, but what I took most from the visit is the fact that God knows exactly where we are in our lives. He knows our busy schedule, he knows our fears, he knows our other obligations (children, husband, church, etc.) and yet he is still in control and HIS TIMING IS PERFECT! 

Not sure what you are going through today? Maybe it's anxiety that you are dealing with and needing peace in your life. Maybe it's marriage issues and the hurt, pain and unknown are hard to handle. Or maybe it's just fear... fear of not measuring up to what the world expects you to be. Whatever you are dealing with, just know that God is in control and HIS TIMING IS PERFECT! Lean on Him, trust in Him, and remember that he loves you so much. He has not left you or abandon you. 

I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
John 14:18

Sunday, June 2, 2013

African Style

So while I'm waiting on Eli, I've added a little African style to my closet. With several friends either moving or traveling to Africa, I've been on the look out for long skirts and long dresses. Old Navy had a good sale (thanks to a friends email :) so I snagged a few.

I thought I'd post, since it's been a little while. And just wanted everyone to know that we are STILL WAITING. No new news... just waiting & praying. Courts are closed from July 15th - August 15th, so it's pretty much a guarantee at this point that we will not be traveling until at least after August 15th.

Keep praying with us and we will keep you updated!

Please pray for our dear friends, April & Luke Graham who are in Uganda right now with baby Mace. They have been there for about 3 weeks and are continuing through the long process in Uganda in order to bring him home. Here is a photo of them takin a boat ride down the Nile River (no Mace in the photo until they get back to the U.S.)